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Deciding to start on a fitness journey is usually fueled by a burst of motivation. There is an initial surge that sends us into making big, healthy choices and physical activity that makes us feel good. However, as we all have discovered, motivation quickly disappears which becomes a short-term strategy in the pursuit of our long-term fitness goals.

Let’s not negate the importance of motivation. Motivation can be a powerful catalyst. It drives us to hit the gym, lace up our running shoes, or choose a nutritious meal over fast food. It’s the force that helps us break through complacency and establish healthy habits. Yet, the harsh reality is that motivation is fleeting and unreliable. Life’s demands, unexpected challenges, and even boredom can swiftly chip away at the enthusiasm that once fueled our fitness endeavors.

When the initial surge of motivation begins to fade, people often find themselves facing the harsh reality of sustaining a fitness routine. This is where discipline and habit-building come into play. Where motivation is a spark, discipline is the steady flame that keeps the fitness fire burning. By recognizing that motivation can be the initial force and building a solid long lasting foundation of discipline, individuals can navigate the challenges of the fitness journey with resilience and a greater likelihood of achieving sustainable, long-term success. Here are some strategies to practice to push you past the motivation plateau so you can continue to build your fitness regimen:

Start small

How can you create achievable goals that fit into your current lifestyle? Small wins build confidence and show your capability to achieve your goals where you are right now. 

Consistency is key

Creating a regular schedule, whether it’s once a week or multiple times, reinforces your new habit and makes it harder to skip those sessions! So put it on your calendar!

Pair with existing habits

An example of this is working out as soon as you wake up, or while dinner is getting ready, go for a workout before sitting to eat. This will help anchor your new habit in an already established routine.

Make it enjoyable

What form of movement sounds actually enjoyable to you? Is it hiking, running, dancing, barre? Whatever it is, enjoying your form of movement will help you feel excited to do it every time!

Accountability Partners

Joining a fitness class, having a friend to work out with, or finding a personal trainer is a great way to make sure you stay consistent with your new fitness habit. Here at Embody we offer group classes as well as one on one training with one of our certified professionals! You can sign up for a free first session where we help you establish and set those new goals of yours, and help you achieve them every step of the way! Sign up for a consultation with us today or email us at for more information.

Track progress

Keep a fitness journal or find an app and keep track of your progress. Celebrating achieved goals and how far you’ve come helps strengthen your commitment to the habit.

Adapt to life changes

Find creative ways to adapt your routine to your current life circumstances! Life is full of unexpected twists and turns, but you don’t have to completely throw out your new fitness habit! Rework it to something that works for you here and now. 

Mix it up

Try new things! Playing around with different ways to move or get your exercise in can break up the monotony and challenge your body in new fresh ways. 

Prioritize self-care

Exercise is more than just an aesthetic endeavor. Benefits to mental health, increased energy, and even improved sleep are great motivators to keep in your mind when pursuing fitness and health. 

Forgive and Reframe

Don’t be hard on yourself with setbacks, everyone from professional athletes to your pilates instructor to your nextdoor neighbor experiences them. Rather than dwelling on missed workouts, have grace with yourself and focus on getting back on track from that moment. These setbacks we experience are great learning and growing opportunities.

Motivation usually is external and reactive, responding to external influences such as a desire to look a certain way or fit into a particular clothing size. In contrast, discipline comes from intrinsic factors and a commitment to overall well-being. Focusing on the deeply-rooted benefits of regular exercise—improved mood, enhanced energy levels, and better health—can provide a more sturdy foundation than the fickle nature of motivation.
Are you looking to start building a fitness foundation that is long lasting and reliable? Let us help you! We are here to take out the confusion and noise of figuring out what to do and help you form a clearer path towards your fitness goals. Sign up for a consultation with us today or email us at for more information.

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